Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A weekend in words and pictures: SATURDAY

"Confirmed the way I've been thinking. It's nice to meet like-minded people,
have it reinforced and have other ways to think about it (creativity)."

"The experiential sessions with Babette, and the art sessions with Alice were particularly powerful.
Everything was truly moving and effective-drumming, voice, Bill's sessions..."

"Noting how the drums spoke together was most interesting."

"IGNITE gave me different and helpful perceptions on looking at myself and how I approach life and creative expressions."

"I really enjoyed the work with the balls. I found that it helped me to shift my perspective on relationships."
"I loved the work with the balls and while it became physically demanding, it felt SO good
to get back in touch with my 'child inside' and the sense of play."

"IGNITE explored creative side of me, and validated what I can offer to the world without 'failing' . "

"Fabric Art! I have never considered myself a visual artist, but this made me realize I am creative in many ways."

"There were several 'mystical' moments that challenged my comfort zone."


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